Writing Home
Welcome to the writing home of D. Gail. The primary purpose of this website is to showcase my published books under my writing name D. Gail, fiction and nonfiction, as well as give sneak peeks of books in the making. I also hope to share some of my experiences and lessons learned from my journey into self-publishing.
Please read more about me here.
I haven’t always been an indie (as in self-published) author. Most recently I have written as a ghostwriter, which has its good and bad points. Good being guaranteed pay and no need to spend hours marketing. Bad being never developing a following, at least not one that you can claim as your own or communicate with directly.
Would I like you to purchase my books? Most definitely. But more than that I would appreciate your comments and feedback. Once that first word is inscribed in Word, novels and novellas in particular tend to take on lives of their own. Characters sprout up like latent seedlings freshly watered, and all the clueless author can do is try to keep up with them. Occasionally these runaway characters like creeping vines will take an author to places he or she really should not have gone, so reader and reviewer feedback can be the much-needed vine trimmer. Nonfiction is more straightforward but needs to go beyond rehashing and recycling already well-known information to avoid being simply redundant.
Time is in short supply for all of us, so I do appreciate your spending some of your valuable time visiting my website. At the moment all of my published work under D. Gail is available on Amazon only, but that may change in the future. Please visit D. Gail’s Amazon Author Page to learn more about me and my book promotions.
If you enjoy Amish fiction and nonfiction, check out my Amish Writing website (currently receiving a complete facelift – as time permits.).
Meanwhile, my book offerings on Amazon are eagerly awaiting new readers (and fresh reviews):
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